2. Knowledge-based system is the system that are capable of cooperating with human users and so the quality of support given and the manner of its presentation are important issues. In knowledge-based system the computer program uses an encoding of human knowledge to help solve problems. KBS are computer systems, contain stored knowledge, solve problems like humans would. And also KBS are AI programs with program structure of new type
knowledge-base (rules, facts, meta-knowledge), inference engine (reasoning and search strategy for solution, other services). While in Management Information System it is a planned system of collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management or in other words the MIS collects or encode data, analyze and convert it in information to be used by the top management in decision making or information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making.
3. Knowledge-based system enabled programs to tackle problems that were otherwise difficult to solve by the usual techniques of computer science. It imitate human problem solving by means of artificial intelligence and reference to a database of knowledge on a particular subject or it uses data, facts, and reasons about them in order to do something. Also Knowledge-based system improve the company's competitive advantage and organizational performance because it solve problems like humans would and it has inference engine or reasoning and search strategy for solution and it has intelligent information processing systems.
May Joy Lora
Mgt 7 (1915-2015)

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