Wednesday, June 25, 2008

WIth MIS trends, justify and contradict the statements. Cite examples whenever needed.

1) Mis users are more knowledgeable

  • Yes MIS users are more knowledgeable than those who are not because it really not necessary that you gather all information because it serves as irrelevant information if you get confused on how to use it.
2) More sources is available to the users
  • If you are MIS user you can have many sources of information that makes you more knowledgeable and you can really use it especially in business making decision.
3) Resistance to the implementation of emerging MIS subsiding.

  • Yes, because it is play a vital role in the company especially in company's that has many branches. They can communicate easily if they have some changes in their company's rules to be implemented.
4) Connectivity

  • We can easily connect or shall we say communicate because by means of MIS we can connect easily. The best example is in the Asialink they can connect easily to their head office by means of YM or send a file via yahoo messenger.
5) Mis is becoming one of the primary of increasing productivity
  • The best example of this is the Asialink because they use MIS also in transferring the data or the requirements of the barrower to their head office for approval, it increases their productivity because it is easier for them to process unlike the past years that they have to transfer the papers through LBC that takes one day to delver.
6) Companies are using MIS as a competitive strategy

  • As of now company uses MIS as their edge over other company because if you are behind in using high technology you are also behind by your competitor because using MIS makes your company more faster especially in processing and decision making.
7) Mis is becoming integral to the decision making process.
  • MIS help in decision making process because it gives accurate information at the right time.
8) The end user is becoming the focus of MIS activity.
  • Once you are more knowledgeable in MIS you can have an extra income through it not just by being a tutor to the one who need but also in the internet like for example in blogging and in

May Joy Lora
Mgt. 7 (1915 - 2015)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

How can the manager & employees make use of information as a strategic/competitive advantage over other competitors

Business who aren't gather information will have a difficulties in making decisions and planning for the present and future improvement if there are factors that affects the performance of the business, because the efficient decision are the accurate and based on facts information.
Manager use such information in making decisions and strategic planning as employees does to be able to perform well and have the efficient output in especially in decision making to improve the company's perfomance. Also they can make use of information as an edge among other competitors because their informations are accurate and verifiable that has the greatest possibility that the business could stand out among others.

May Joy Lora
Mgt. 7 (1815-1915)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Feedback "Striking ideas about MIS"

MIS is more than computer based system that manager used information and have that as a basis in making decision.
Importance in studying MIS
  • It is important to study MIS because it gives more efficient communication
  • Higher quality info system
  • Increase mutual responsiveness
  • In company it increase productivity
  • and it give great career opportunity
IT (Information Technology) is quite relevant, (company function without IT but not efficient of productive as a company with IT. Also knowledge in IT help you to find a job.


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